On February 14, just two months after the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting, an 18-year-old in Texas named Justin Carter was arrested. Carter, an avid gamer, got into a spat with a fellow League of Legends player on Facebook. After being provoked and told he was "messed up in the head," Car... Read more...
Most people can't live without Facebook -- but what happens to your Facebook page when you are no longer living? New Hampshire and other states are trying to figure that out. State Rep. Peter Sullivan has introduced legislation to allow the executor of an estate control over the social networking... Read more...
We're at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., where the company has invited us to "see what we're building," according to the invitation we got last week. What it's building: Graph Search, a powerful new search engine which people can use to find people, places, photos, and interests,... Read more...
The Defense Department wants new computer tools to analyze mounds of unstructured text, blogs and tweets as part of a coordinated push to help military analysts predict the future and make decisions faster. The search is part of the Office of Naval Research's "Data to Decisions" program, a se... Read more...
You know how you can sign-in to new mobile apps and Websites using your Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, or Yahoo IDs? Janrain, a provider of social login services, says that the most popular option last quarter continues to be Facebook, by an increasingly wider margin. It's just more proof that Face... Read more...