[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUY2LvQJFoM&w=640&h=390]
You can never have too many emoji, and while everyone has their favorite (red dress woman!), there are a few that we really can't believe aren't a part of the collection. Where are the cupcakes? Where are the shot glasses? How do these not already exist? We were wondering the same thing. ... Read more...
“Scandal’s” Liv may be flying too close to the sun in her quest for the truth about her mother’s death. She’s got the broad strokes of the truth: her father’s in charge of B613, her lover was not at Operation Remington and her mother was killed in a plane crash. These pieces paint th... Read more...
America has changed dramatically since the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791. The first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States were designed to patch design flaws and add features to the original functional spec for American freedoms and responsibilities. The founding fathers... Read more...
While the tech industry has a reputation for attracting shy but well-meaning nerds, the vast amounts of money involved mean that it also brings in people with shadier intentions. There are the hackers, who break into networks and systems for fun or profit. There are the leakers, who use thei... Read more...