#IAmNotADictionary Phrase Of The Day: F*ck Outta Here - The cool way of saying "Get out?!" Or "No way!" Also a way of saying "Shut the fuck up." Like in disbelief or pure pissed offedness. Jimmy: "Yo I drank five whole beers and I ain't even buzzin." Tyler: "F*ck outta here." Jimmy: "Wait, 5 ti... Read more...

Above DJ Omega & Jerry Seinfeld discuss The Thirst on twitter/instagram...Which literally started at 12:01am today ...and today of all days I would be studying human behavioral patterns... So... #IAmNotADictionary Phrase Of The Day: The Thirst- An epidemic that seems to be spreading fast. W... Read more...

#IAmNotADictionary Phrase Of The Day: VNR (Video News Release) - A video news release (VNR) is a video segment made to look like a news report, but is instead created by a PR firm, advertising agency, marketing firm, corporation, or government agency. They are provided to television newsrooms to s... Read more...

Have you ever wondered why you had to fill out so much extensive paper work when applying for a job? Have you ever been curious as to why your credit score was so important? Have you ever tried signing up for power, water, a cell phone plan, cable TV or internet and you had to give out your Social... Read more...

Deadbeat Mothers Day - (First Sunday in May; Holiday) Everyday except today which happens to be mothers day; the day most single mothers would rather not, but are forced to spend with their children with penalty of being labeled a deadbeat...on mothers day; also known as Child Support Appreciation... Read more...
Child Support Appreciation Day - (Holiday, The day before Mothers Day, first Saturday in May) the only day that single fathers across the world rejoice to pay child support because this also means that by going to court, they have paid already and will not be paying for anything related to mothers... Read more...

#IAmNotADictionary Phrase of The Day: Sidepiece Appreciation Day - The day before Valentine's Day (February 13th) in which you call,text, or go out with the sidpiece of your choice (Multiple if necessary) because on Valentine's Day you will be with the one you actually give a f*ck about... ... Read more...

#IAmNotADictionary Phrase Of The Day - Reverse Chris Brown'd - (verb) The opposite of being Chris Brown'd; an act of violence by an irate irrational female on her significant other which is automatically seen by every other female as retribution for every argument, fight, & toilet seat l... Read more...