Update: Los Angeles gets a fake MF DOOM show
As a quick Google search for “MF DOOM fake shows” illustrates, MF DOOM fake shows are nothing new. A 2007 appearance at the San Bernadino edition of Rock the Bells which featured what many believed to be an imposter of the British-born rapper is perhaps the most profound example of this, but many others cities and festivals (namely Pitchfork) have been rumored victims as well.
Following another performance, or lack thereof, this past Saturday, you can now add Los Angeles to the list. As The Daily Swarm points out, the rapper was scheduled to make a rare appearance at the Beat Club. However, after failing to open his mouth once the actual beats rang aloud, a few attendees became suspicious (via YouTube):
“It’s hard to see here but you can catch glimpses of him. It was obvious that he was an imposter since he never once laid his hand on a microphone and just played his new tracks on a laptop.”
Video evidence from the Los Angeles show below. An email sent to DOOM’s label requesting comment on the incident has yet to be returned. Update: According to DOOM’s label, Stones Throw, which does not handle the rapper’s booking, it was “obvious that he wasn’t going to show up at a venue that fits only 200 people when his performance fee requires venues about 10 times that size.” That said, they would neither confirm nor deny if it was indeed an imposter.
In an interview with Rolling Stone earlier this year, DOOM responded to the imposter controversy by claiming it added to his image.
“Everything that we do is villain style,” he explained. “Everybody has the right to get it or not get it. Once I throw it out, it’s there for interpretation. It might’ve seemed like it didn’t go well, but how do we know that wasn’t just pre-orchestrated so that we’re talking about it now? I tell you one thing: People are asking more now for live shows and I’m charging more, so it must’ve worked somewhere.”