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F*ck Outta Here: Nicki Minaj (Twitter Edition)

F*ck Outta Here: Nicki Minaj (Twitter Edition)

In a recent Twitter post Nicki Minaj expressed why she does not appeal to the muture audience (her age group)

“NICKIMINAJ: guess I connect w/da younger crowd b/c they’re not jaded. Not afraid of fantasy. Not afraid 2 dream. 2 imagine. 2 get on a broom n fly away”.

I’m sorry but Nicki, F*ck Outta Here!

The reason you don’t appeal to me and other adults is because we’re too old to still want to play with barbies. You pegged your demographic by selling them ideals of pretty girls in tutus and wild weird clothing. Don’t get me wrong I gets crazy to a few of her tracks but a role model? Far from it. I mean if the generation that had Little Kim and Foxxy doesn’t say something about the impact of raunchy lyrics and suggestive visuals, take a trip to your local day care. SMH..


About Starboxx

Hello, I'm happy to be here. Thanks for your support. I have to admit I can be a little flighty at times and my post a bit inconsistent, but all of the content is well worth the read. So enjoy Spit, Jess and I as a whole under the name that KILLS NewsFeeds across the country. Hate it or Love it the UNDERdogs on top =)

No comments

  1. carrie
    December 26th, 2009 14:08

    fuck u all nicki is da shit and a big inspiration also my role model


    • December 26th, 2009 23:55

      You just said Nicki Minaj was your role model…. you lost (or in twitter speak I think it goes #fail)


  2. Chickwstarbox
    November 30th, 2009 11:55

    Thanks for the comment! It means I’m doing something right.
    And Spit you ain’t riding right, don’t doctor her wounds. If she’s such a bad b*tch, she’ll be aight, this is just one blog of thousands, many are gonna cut deeper than this post.
    Besides, nothing was said about her talent or her ability to deliver. I just have a problem with the demographic that is obviously being targeted.
    That’s all… don’t like it? Talk to management… FOH


  3. November 29th, 2009 21:55

    Thanx Nicki.. I still love you babe…


  4. suckmydickplz yo
    November 29th, 2009 21:47



  5. jocelyn
    November 11th, 2009 20:32

    i dont think that she just doesnt appeal to the generation her age i think that she doesnt appeal to any mature person. someone 16/17 yrs can still u kno like her music as well as someone 20/25 yrs old but dont feed into the barbie hype. contrary to the people on the other spectrum that do. age is a partial factor but maturity is the complete answer

    Sidebar:I thought nikki was ya wife next to oprah what happened?


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