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Canadian Taxpayers Fight Back with a Proposed Landmark Class Action Lawsuit Against the Minister of National Revenue

Canadian Taxpayers Fight Back with a Proposed Landmark Class Action Lawsuit Against the Minister of National Revenue

The Canada Revenue Agency is out of control and acting like an agency in a fascist dictatorship usurping individual democratic rights. The grounds for the proposed Class Action against the Canadian Minister of National Revenue include fraud, discrimination, harassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, abuse of process, breach of trust, breach of privacy, negligence, breech of confidential relationship, invasion of privacy, arbitrary targeting of taxpayers and abuse of power.

The Canadian taxpayers allege that the Canadian Minister of National Revenue and the CRA are routinely and arbitrarily targeting individual taxpayers, violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act, the Canadian Bill of Rights, the Statute of Limitations, Contract Law and the Income Tax Act itself including the Taxpayers Bill of Rights.

The CRA takes power over the individual taxpayers life and finances. The Minister of National Revenue continues to ignore the human consequences of the unjust actions of his agency the CRA and removes the individuals power to self govern his life, and live independently in safety, freedom, and protected from unlawful seizure of personal assets.

The grounds for the proposed Class Action against the Canadian Minister of National Revenue include fraud, discrimination, harassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, abuse of process, breach of trust, breach of privacy, negligence, breech of confidential relationship,invasion of privacy, arbitrary targeting of taxpayers and abuse of power.

The Minister of National Revenue and the Canada Revenue Agency allegedly bully, harass, intimidate, and illegally demand financial information from Canadian taxpayers.The CRA issues illegal wage garnishment orders based on Statutes without proper Court Orders or registered letters.

Demanding the taxpayers financial information ignores Sections 7 and 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and effectively cancels the rights to privacy, silence and protection against self-incrimination.

The actions of the Minister of National Revenue cause financial hardship, damage to human dignity and psychological suffering to the members of the Class Action. The intentional arrogance and misconduct of the tax agents in the process of carrying out their duties is unethical and unacceptable. The CRA and their representatives act as if they are not accountable to the law.

Completely ignoring taxpayers rights as well financial resources, the CRA reassess tax returns, threatens to take legal action if the taxpayer does not comply with the demands for private information, payment of arbitrary fines, interest and alleged taxes.

Routinely, the Minister of National Revenue discriminates against targeted individual taxpayers and orders the CRA to issue illegal wage garnishment orders based on Statutes without proper Court Orders or registered letters and improperly illegibly signed by anonymous CRA officials with no identifying information and no witness.

The garnishment is ordered at the highest rate, in order that the income of taxpayers is seized as quickly as possible with blatant disregard for the resulting human suffering.

All taxpayers objections are ignored and swept aside with invalid excuses in a pathetic attempt to terrorize people and hide the gross incompetence of the CRA and its practices of Statute driven extortion.

The purpose of all this ruthless intimidation is to pressure the taxpayer to enter into a contract with the Minister of Revenue to pay the alleged amount demanded.

The handwriting is illegible on the garnishment orders and the CRA officials name and title are not printed on the orders. For this reason they are not a legal document and are therefore invalid.

The Canadian Minister of National Revenue by demanding the taxpayers financial information ignores Sections 7 and 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and effectively cancels the rights to privacy, silence and protection against self-incrimination.

According to Kim Bolan as reported in the Vancouver Sun on July 21, 2008, – B.C. Hells Angels, associates, wives and girlfriends- got the CRA to withdraw demands for detailed financial information about their earnings and assets, including any – hidden – outside the country because it violated the Income Tax Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In the statement of claim filed by vancouver lawyer David Martin, Brian Airth as well as others linked to Hells Angels wanted a declaration that the CRA was guilty of illegal conduct by targeting the plaintiffs through an initiative variously known as – Project MOGAL,- or the – Hells Angel Project – HA – . The CRA gave private financial information to third parties, including the police. The CRA withdrew the letters of requirement in a precedent setting – out-of-court – agreement made on the same date as the Federal Court challenge was to be heard last spring . The result was that the Airth case was

The Canada Revenue Agency is out of control and acting like an agency in a fascist dictatorship usurping individual democratic rights.



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  1. June 20th, 2011 5:38

    This is gospel and I endorse this class-action lawsuit!


  2. calen fitzgerald
    October 30th, 2010 2:32

    are you listening ?


  3. September 30th, 2010 4:36

    From the House of Commons Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce;
    “Income taxes pay the interest to the bondholders”.
    The government puts up interest bearing bonds out of which money is created and we pay the interest in the form of taxes.

    The taxes are a direct draw on our energy and is what I mean by our credit. In other words, it is the tax payments that make the bonds good.

    The taxes are a direct draw in that, you give 100% energy measured as gross pay and go home with after tax loss of energy in terms of net pay.

    Now I have no problem that the government puts up bonds, but to hold me liable for its choice to put up interest bearing bonds (promises to pay) than issue interest free currency (promises to pay), that I take issue with.

    That my friends is the crux of the matter. The government has no means to pay the interest and so what business did it have putting up interest bearing bonds in the first instance, let alone hold us liable when it had another option? That being interest free currency.

    So as much as it may be claimed that we receive a benefit when we receive money (income), or the government did us a favour, or the people wanted to be paid for their work and is why we are liable for the interest payment, taxes; the fact that the government could issue interest free currency in the stead of debt money, must mute the claim.

    In other words, if the government had of issued interest free currency the people would not be subject to taxation, but since it has not and authorizes the issue of debt money in the stead, it is not justification in my view that people be subject to income taxes.

    This is where what we call the 100% tax return comes in. There is more to it than those words convey and is why we are confident we can help you with tax matters. The best approach is to let us do some things for you now rather than after you have notice of a taxing problem.


  4. September 30th, 2010 4:33

    > To whom should be concerned
    > As you may or may not know, the government of Canada is taking suggestions on how to improve the financial system. Enclosed is our suggestion that has been forwarded to the email address where the suggestions are to be sent; [email protected]. We urge you to study it carefully since the suggestion is based in part on comments made by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, 1939 and effects all of us.
    > .
    > Dear Honourable Minister of Finance.
    > The following is a suggestion in response to an article in the Toronto Sun newspapers regarding the governments request for suggestions to improve the banking/financial system. The attachment contains the suggestion in French and English. In addition to the suggestion offered herein is this from the Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce;
    > March 24, 1939 at page 394; “Will you tell me why the government with power to create money should give that power away to a private monopoly and then borrow that which parliament can create itself back at interest to the point of national bankruptcy, because, if we cannot finance the things that are necessary it means that this nation cannot meet its current obligations”. “Why should a government with the power to create money borrow that money at interest?”
    > Mr Towers, “Now, if parliament wants to change the form of operating the banking system, then certainly that is within the power of parliament”.
    > We think that the facts and evidence speak for themselves as to why the ship Canada and the people are floundering in debt and will continue to flounder until the ship sinks taking us all with her, unless the rules are changed. It is not our desire to pursue a class action suit but neither is it our desire to see the good ship Canada and the people suffer needlessly.
    > If you wish to discuss this further my contact particulars follow.
    > Thank you
    > Hallow
    > 975A Elgin St. W.
    > Suite 383
    > Cobourg, Ontario K9A 5J4
    > TO: Minister of Finance Canada (By mail and e-mail)
    > COPIED TO: All Members of Parliament (By e-mail only)
    > September 23, 2010
    > Dear Sir:
    > Re: Pending Class Action lawsuit for breach of duty, et al
    > The People v. the federal government/Crown
    > We are in the process of investigating and determining the propriety of launching a class-action lawsuit as captioned. However, we noticed an article in the Toronto Sun wherein the government is soliciting suggestions on how to improve the financial system and thought it prudent to make a suggestion and submit it to, [email protected].
    > We begin this letter with the following quotes from members of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, meeting in 1939;
    > “It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30,000,000 in bonds and not $30,000,000 in currency. Both are promises to pay; but one promise fattens the usurer and the other helps the people”, and;
    > “It is the people who constitute the basis of government credit. Why then cannot the people have the benefit of their own gilt-edged credit by receiving non-interest bearing currency, instead of the bankers receiving the benefit of the people’s credit in interest bearing bonds?”
    > “Income taxes pay the interest to the bondholders”.
    > Surely you are well aware that the interest payment obligation attached to the creation of money does not exist and of the inevitable consequences of having to pay back more money than was created.
    > We men and women did not come to this world to labour under a monetary system that fattens usurers at our expense, or be held as debtors, or to support absurdities, or to do nothing as our brothers and sisters and country suffer hopelessness because of a monetary system that, as it is, benefits and fattens the usurer (moneychanger/banker).
    > The people are the real produces of all wealth in the country and who constitute the basis of all government credit, so why should, do, we not benefit from our own gilt-edged credit by receiving non-interest bearing currency? We hereby give notice that we claim our credit and right to the benefit of it.
    > Does the government not have a responsibility to the people, those who empower it and who constitute the basis of government credit, first and foremost? The Prime Minister must think so when he stated in an article on the Foreign Affairs website, “The first duty of government is to protect its citizens.”
    > What is the government going to do about this? Is it the policy of the government, the elected, to allow this absurdity to continue – bleeding the people and business to death (debt) in order to fatten the usurer (bondholders), or is the government going to protect and help the people?
    > If we do not hear from you within 10 days we shall proceed with our planned class-action lawsuit.
    > Regards
    > À: Ministre des Finances du Canada
    > COPIE CONFORME : Tout les Membres du Parlement
    > 23 Septembre, 2010
    > Messieurs:
    > Re: Recours collectif en cours pour “breach of duty, et al”
    > The People v. the federal government/Crown
    > Nous sommes en train d’enquêter et de déterminer l’opportunité de lancer un recours collectif tel qu’énoncé. Toutefois, nous avons remarqué un article paru dans le Toronto Sun dans lequel le gouvernement sollicite des suggestions sur la façon d’améliorer le système financier et nous avons crû sage de vous faire parvenir notre suggestion et de la soumettre à [email protected].
    > Nous commençons cette lettre avec les citations suivantes de membres du « House of Commons Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce », réunis en 1939;
    > « Il est absurde de dire que notre pays peut émettre 30,000,000$ en obligations (bonds) mais pas 30,000,000$ en monnaie (currency). Les deux constituent une promesse de paiement, mais une de ces promesse renfloue les usuriers/banquiers, tandis que l’autre aide les gens/le peuple », et;
    > « Ce sont les gens/le peuple qui constituent la base de crédit du gouvernement. Pourquoi donc les gens ne puissent pas être avantagé en recevant leur propre crédit qu’ils se sont forgés en recevant une monnaie échue sans intérêts, plutôt que ce soit les banquiers (changeurs) qui reçoivent le bénéfice du crédit du peuple par ses obligations échues avec intérêts? »
    > « Les impôts paient les intérêts aux détenteurs de bonds ».
    > Certes, vous êtes biens conscients que l’obligation de paiement des intérêts attachés à la création de l’argent n’existe pas et entraîne l’inévitable conséquence d’avoir à rembourser plus d’argent qu’il n’en a été créée.
    > Nous les hommes et femmes de ce monde ne sommes pas venus ici pour travailler sous un système monétaire qui renfloue les banquiers/usuriers, à nos frais, ou être tenu en tant que débiteurs, ou pour soutenir des absurdités, ou pour ne rien faire tout en regardant nos frères et sœurs ainsi que le pays souffrir de désespoir dû à un système monétaire, qui tel qu’il est, bénéficie et renfloue les coffres des banquiers/usuriers/changeurs.
    > Le peuple est le véritable producteur de toutes les richesses dans le pays et constituent la base de tout le crédit du gouvernement, alors pourquoi nous ne pourrions pas bénéficier de notre propre crédit forgé en recevant une monnaie échue sans aucun intérêts? Nous vous avisons, par les présentes, que nous revendiquons le plein accès à notre propre crédit et le plein pouvoir d’en bénéficier.
    > Le gouvernement ne possède-t-il pas une responsabilité envers le peuple, à ceux qui lui donne son pouvoir et qui constitue la base du crédit gouvernemental, d’abord et avant tout? Le Premier Ministre devait bien penser cela lorsqu’il a déclaré dans un article paru sur le site Web des Affaires Étrangères, « Le premier devoir du gouvernement est de protéger ses citoyens ».
    > Qu’est ce que le gouvernement va faire à ce sujet? Est-ce la politique du gouvernement, des élus, de permettre à une telle absurdité de continuer – saignant le peuple à blanc ainsi que les commerces tout en les entraînant dans la mort (dette) afin de renflouer les coffres des usuriers (obligataires/détenteurs de bonds), ou est ce que le gouvernement va protéger et aider le peuple?
    > Si nous ne recevons pas de nouvelles de vous dans les 10 jours, nous procéderons alors à notre recours collectif planifié.
    > Sincèrement votre


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