Cormega Reports Live From Haiti

Some of you may know Cormega is a personal friend of mine so it comes as no surprise that in a classic case of a real nigga doin what comes natural, he is in Haiti along with Styles P & Immortal Technique to perform and lend a helping hand to the island that was ravaged by an earthquake which killed a quarter of a million people including my aunt, uncle & three cousins. Via his Legal Hustle website, the Queensbridge legend reached out to his fans and shared some thoughts on the first black-led republic in the world and humanity. – ICE
“Good morning friends and everybody else I’m typing you from Haiti just got finished eating breakfast and I got on the computer let me say first that if you are Haitian and you dont contribute to Haiti any in any way you are a fucking SUCKER if you dont care about the people at least care for you family in Haiti people need help! If you not Haitian and you are a human (the race that matters) then do what you can, a dollar sent from a multitude helps many! I want to shout out Immortal Technique (the realest rapper I ever knew) and Styles P (you already know)
they both on they way out here to join me Styles is landing in a hour or so Technique shortly after we doing a show tonite and we going to communitys.
Sadly the rap game and our own media is more fascinated with stupidity and ignorance beef etc so I didnt reach out to any body to tell them because they only care when I say something controversial but Im off that theres bigger fish to eat (i dont got to be fried).
I seen some shit out here that just makes me sad but it makes me proud of my roots these black people are resilient they are finding ways to make due something I dont know if I could do but this is what I needed to see Im almost ashamed to wear jewls etc dont get me wrong I have jewls been had jewl since 15 but whats the significence when you just making some one else rich and your people are suffering I may slip and wear a bracelet or my chain again especially my dog tag because it represents the soldier but I refuse to be a house nigga for the upper class I wont be showing it off as a status symbol the smiling and bragging the rich people arent laughing with us they are laughing at us. Every nigga bragging about black card is doing a free commercial for a credit card company and if you aint getting paid for it you stupid. We rappers did free advertisement for cars,clothes, jewlery companies and champagne for nearly a decade bragging showing bottles etc did me to but not anymore Dom Perigon Moet etc never gave me or my people shit I used to hate Gap now I support them becuase they support us and converse does too any company associated with product REd looked out for people in Africa with Aids etc.
The news shows us alot of things but you learn alot being on the scene I did NOT know people were living in tents and make shift shacks but the news did say that a million people are homeless so I give them credit HOWEVER I did not know that the US which is in close proximity to Haiti took 3 days to send aid and Russia Israel and others were there before us Im embarrased our country needs to heal itself from within and stop with this image project and we wonder why other countries dislike us!?
Anyway I will give you more details of my trip Im about to get up with Herbie Love Bug (I didnt know he was Haitian)
Peace and Love. “
via legalhustle