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Freshjive – 'Hope is Fading Fast' Obama Tee

Freshjive – 'Hope is Fading Fast' Obama Tee

With their “Hope is Fading Fast” Barack Obama tee, Freshjive stirs the pot in the political arena. Ever the controversial figure, Rick Klotz, founder and creative director of Freshjive, is known for wearing his opinions on his sleeve, well actually on his chest. This tee, which provides visual commentary on the state of the union, could be the banner of right wingers and naysayers everywhere. However, Freshjive’s issue with the government is that they are not leaning as far left as their campaign has continuously promised to the country. According to Klotz’ blog, the Obama administration has “maintained continuity with its disgraced predecessor.” If dissent is patriotic then this is a salute to the flag.

Available at Freshjive’s online store and at select Freshjive retailers

“Hope Is Fading Fast”-Rick Klotz



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