Roberto Cavalli Shows Spring 2012 Collection At Tel Aviv Fashion Week (Video)
Roberto Cavalli‘s Spring 2012 collection was so nice, he’s showing it twice!
Cavalli staged a runway show in Tel Aviv, which is currently holding its first fashion week in over 30 years. While the fashion industry is alive and active in Israel, Israeli designers rarely play a role on the international stage.
But this week they’ve got the world’s attention, as Israel is staging a major fashion week in cooperation with Italy. As the Jerusalem Post reports, the two countries are drawn together over fashion, technology and a connection between two of its two biggest cities, Milan and Tel Aviv, which are “sister cities.”
Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, Italy‘s CFDA equivalent, worked with Israeli fashion executives led by Ofir Lev, the deputy CEO of the Israel Fashion and Textile Association, to get the project off the ground. The process, says the Jerusalem Report, took two years.
So today, one of Italy‘s biggest names showed his wares on a runway at Jaffa’s historical Railway Station. Roberto Cavalli gave an encore performance of his Spring 2012 line, which originally showed in Milan.
“I feel that fashion today… is international,” Cavalli said at a Tel Aviv press conference, “because all of you read the same magazines, we watch the same movies and fashion is there. From there you get an idea what to buy.”
We are definitely getting an idea of what to buy from Cavalli’s Israeli reprise. On our shopping list: backless dresses, animal prints and loads of sequins.
#IAmNotARapper: Roberto Cavalli Shows Spring 2012 Collection At Tel Aviv Fashion Week (Video)