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Jay-Z Addresses Devil Worship Allegations

Jay-Z Addresses Devil Worship Allegations

Not sure when this happened, but Jay-Z has talked to radio host Egypt about the allegations that he worships Satan, the lord and master of the dark underworld of evil. He took it straight to a preacher that made these claims.

Jay: “He should be arrested, seriously. My position is not unlike anyone else who ascends to the top of their field. That comes with the game. But that’s crazy. That might be the craziest one I’ve had.”

“But do you go to church?”

Jay: “Nah, I’m more spiritual than [having] organized religion. I have a personal relationship with God. …I believe in karma, I believe in cause and effect…but religion, I have my opinions about religion.

Personally, I’ll never forget how Jay reacted to Bill Maher, a well-known atheist when he said something about Jesus. Seemed genuine to me.

But he didnt confirm or deny as much as he tap danced around the subject…Maybe he didnt wanna lose his goth fan base?

*Kanye shrug*

Audio coming soon..


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  1. August 30th, 2010 20:22

    Heard about a new video chat site called Chat Spasm, a chat site with musicians.


    December 6th, 2009 17:10

    why is lebron james the devil in this pic?


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